Monday, May 25, 2009

My updated/revised Premise!

Here is a revision of my Premise I had did but forgot to publish.. sorry its a lil late but here it is at least!! Enjoy! :)

The Revised Premise:

Boy Guardian Angel who while looking over his charge fell in love with her to the point as to where he wanted to make himself known to her. But he can only do so if he severs his wings which is a great sin among the Angel Society. He would then in turn no longer become immortal and become mortal, and forever be banished from the Angel Society… the twist is, is that she has never met him before yet he would seem familiar to him.. but would it work out if he sacrificed everything just to meet her face to face? Should he sever his wings just for the chance to physically meet her…

She feels as though someone is watching her.. She turns to look over her shoulder but in her mortal eyes.. she see’s nothing.. while he stands there watching her with a slight frown on his face to indicate that he is unhappy. And him knowing that she might never see or realize he exists and that he’s been protecting her for all her life yet she will never know about him..

But maybe the power of wish can be strong enough to break that spell even if for a second..

Could also have the subplot of if the council ever found out about his secret love for his charge.. he would be banished from Heaven... So he in turn protects her while constantly being aware of his emotions when reacting towards discussing her well being. And maybe though some things he cant stop from happening.. like if it were fate that she had to die.. he might have to intervene to stop her from dying which is another rule he could break to get him banished from the society.

Possibly use the song Nightwish Nemo or Angels Within Temptation

Other ideas
Start off with storybook thing where instead of animating characters first scene all I have to animate is the book turning to page after page and then for the final scene animate main guy character removing his wings to save main girl character from getting hit by a car. And then him being are you ok and then turns to girl with surprise look then becoming very happy and the both look into each others eyes and they kiss/ or jus blacks out to the end.

I also looked up Angel names that came with descriptions?! So found that I like these ones the best maybe I’ll use them!

Angel of Conception
angel of the night who watches over spirits at from conception to birth

Angel of God
oversees good behaviour of other angels

Angel of Vibration
govens the wheel of the sun and assists us in removing barriors.

Running time: 2 minutes.. possible 3.. it more depends on time..