Monday, March 30, 2009

Mi Mojizu!

Well, I'm not sure if my Mojizu uploaded properly.. but if it did, here it is, and if not.. what can I say.. I goofed! haha
Well, it's called Blue Wing and when I first saw it, I don't know, it seemed like it was kind of perfect for the mojizu for me to put on my blog. For starters, it was on the 5th page of the fresh mojizu's, and go figure my lucky number is the number 5. It's blue which is one of my Favorite colors. Another was the fact that it has wings- which for me, it symbolizes that I'm kind of like a free spirit in one reason that I have left my parents nest to set out and explore this world to see what wonders it has in store for me!
(Here the link to the picture just in case it didn't upload lol)